Sjorring purchases 100% climate-friendly electricity from Danish wind turbines

Press release

Sjørring purchases 100% climate-friendly electricity from Danish wind turbines

Press release June 20, 2024

Sjørring purchases 100% climate-friendly electricity from Danish wind turbines

Sjørring Maskinfabrik A/S, a leading manufacturer of buckets for construction machinery, has signed an agreement with NRGi to purchase 100% climate-friendly electricity from Danish wind turbines. This initiative is part of the bucket manufacturer’s sustainability strategy, which focuses on reducing the company’s carbon footprint and working towards net zero emissions by 2040.

The electricity purchased by Sjørring is produced from renewable energy sourced from Danish wind turbines and is backed by guarantees of origin. These guarantees ensure that the amount of electricity the company consumes is purchased from green energy sources and delivered to the Danish power grid. Thus, Sjørring is guaranteed that their energy consumption comes from 100% renewable energy sources.

As part of the Terratech Group, Sjørring is committed to ambitious climate goals through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which helps companies set targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the latest climate science. The agreement with NRGi is a step towards achieving a more sustainable future and underscores Sjørring’s commitment to green energy and environmental responsibility.

“As a company in the steel industry, we have a special responsibility to make green choices. The climate-friendly electricity from Danish wind turbines is one of our contributions to a more sustainable future,” says Klaus Kalstrup, CEO of Sjørring.

In addition to choosing climate-friendly electricity, Sjørring has recently entered into a new partnership with the Swedish steel producer SSAB to minimize its environmental impact and become part of the transition to a fossil-free value chain.

Read more about the fossil-free partnership here.

The latest sustainability report from Terratech Group is further evidence of the company’s climate commitment. The report highlights that in 2023, Sjørring initiated a project with Thisted Municipality to begin the transition from natural gas to district heating – a project that addresses Sjørring’s largest emission source, which accounts for about 70% of the company’s production-related emissions.

Sustainability Report

Do you want to know all the details of Terratech's sustainability work? Then dig into the full sustainability report right here.